#1 Greetings

Hi, my name is Welly Huang!

I was born on September 27th, 1999.

I graduated from the Department of Applied English of NTCUST, and am currently studying in the Department of Finance of NTUB.

In my free time, I play games, read novels, and run my own YouTube channel.

English and Japanese was my former major, but now my major is Finance.

Currently, I am applying for the Fall 2021 undergraduate transfer to The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

I was raised in American Education System (kind of), and have yearned for a chance to enroll in the world's top universities.

If you have any English-related questions, feel free to contact me via my personal FB or Line account!

FB: https://www.facebook.com/scanire.zc


  1. 好奇問一下 你是怎麼在個人簡介放上照片的 我找好久找不到




#2 English Learning Podcast

#3 COVID: One Year On